




1. Report on “Vlada’s” fine field modulators’ influence on clinical analysis of blood indices // Center for energetic and informative researches. – Tver, 1999.

2. Nekrasov V.A. Energetic and informative radiances of the Earth and their impact on the health of a human: Materials of the IX International Symposium “Health and environment monitoring. Technologies and informative databases”. – M., 2001. – P. 22.

3. Nekrasov V.A. Energetic and informative radiances of the Earth and their impact on the health of a human. – Tver: Poly Press, 2001. – 14 p.

4. Nekrasov V.A. Energetic and informative technologies. New generation’s devices. – Tver, 2001. – 17 p.

5. Nekrasov V.A. Theoretical and practical manual for biolocation’s specialists. – Tver, 2001. – 50 p.

6. Nekrasov V.A., Khudobin V.V. Method for defining the direction of fine field activity of a human: Works of the I Congress of medical officers of medical routine profile of the Military Forces of the Russian Federation. Military routine medicine. Problems and perspectives. – Saint-Petersburg, 2002. – P. 348.

7. Nekrasov V.A., Khudobin V.V. New achievements in treatment of oncological diseases, Crone diseases, diseases of endocrine system: Works of the I International Congress on clinical and immune pathology // International Journal on Immunorehailitation. Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2002. - P. 44.

8. Report on the researches’ results on “Vlada” (“Source” series) fine field modulators’ impact on biochemical indices of blood serum of a human // Clinical and diagnostical laboratory of MCGB. – Monchegorsk, Murmansk region. – 2002. – 12 p.

9. Nekrasov V.A. Method for determining the direction of a human’s “fine field”: Theses of the reports of the XII International Forum “Medical and ecological safety, rehabilitation and social protection of the populatioin”. – M., 2002. – P. 19.

10. Report on the materials of the 1 stage of researches on Nekrasov’s matrix modulators’ protective properties produced by “Vlada” from video display terminals and cellular phones’ radiance. – M.: CJSC NII “Binar”, 2003. – 43 p.

11. Report on researches of functional state of spirostoms when applying Nekrasov’s matrix modulators (fine field modulators) produced by “Vlada”. - MSU, biological board. – 2003. - 4 p.

12. Nekrasov V.A., Khudobin V.V. Influence of individual fine field modulators on health of people who have oncological diseases, Crone disease, endocrine system disease: Works of the VIII International Conference “Ecology and development of the society”. – Saint-Petersburg, 2003. – 166 p. – 56 p.

13. Nekrasov V.A., Khudobin V.V., Spiricheva O.V. Effects of individual general field modulators among the patients with some kinds of tumors, endocrine pathologies and chronical diseases: Works of the International Crimea conference “Cosmos and the biosphere”. – Kiev, 2003. – 35 p.

14. Nekrasov V.A., Chervinets V.M. Correction of the immune system’s function by creating bioenergetic comfort: Materials of the V Congress of immunologists and allergists of the CIS // Allergology and immunology. – Vol. 4. – No. 2. – 200 p.

15. Nekrasov V.A., Khudobin V.V., Spiricheva O.V. Matrix modulators under informative and cellular interaction of biological organisms under effect of fields of non-electromagnetic nature // Works of the International cross-disciplinary seminar of scientific discussional club “Progress in biotechnology and neurobiology – integral medicine”. - 2004. – 115 p.

16. Nekrasov V.A., Chernikov F.R. New technologies of neutralization of pathogenic radiances of radioelectrical devices affecting biological objects: Works of the II International congress on immunology and allergy // Allergology and immunology. - 2004. – Vol. 5, No. 1. – 187 p.

17. Nekrasov V.A., Chernikov F.R. New technologies of neutralization of pathogenic radiances of radioelectrical devices affecting biological objects: Works of the II International congress on immunology and allergy // International Journal on Immunorehabilitation. - 2004. – Vol. 2. – 271 p.

18. Nekrasov V.A. Life on the Earth. Series “Mysteries of the nature and discoveries of the century”. – Tver: Triada, 2004. – 204 p.

19. Nekrasov V.A. (chief editor) “Fine field ecology of health”. Scientific-practical journal. – 2005. - No. 1. – 40 p.

20. Nekrasov V.A. Means of correction of biological field of a human with a purpose of health restoration // IMFORMMOST radioelectronics and telecommunications. – 2006. - No. 6 (48). – P. 45-48.

21. Nekrasov V.A. Two types of biological field of a human and the ways of detemining it // INFORMMOST radioelectronics and telecommunications. – 2006. - No. 5 (47). – P. 53-56.

22. Nekrasov V.A. Physical grounds of the fine field of the Earth with pathogenic activity // INFORMMOST radioelectronics and telecommunications. – 2006. - No. 2 (44). – P. 70-71.

23. Nekrasov V.A. (chief editor) “Fine field ecology of health”. Scientific-practical journal. – 2007. - No. 2. – 50 p.

24. Nekrasov V.A. Geometrical structure of leftism-rightism energy in the biosphere and its influence on the health of a human // Works of the I International Forum “Biophysical technologies”. - Saint-Petersburg, 2008. – 196 p.

25. Nekrasov V.A. Radiances with pathogenic activity in the Earth’s biosphere // Strategy. – 2008. - No. 4. – P. 53-54.

26. Nekrasov V.A., Nekrasova N.A. Up-dated directions in prevention of chronical diseases // Works of the I International Forum “Biophysical technologies”. - Saint-Petersburg, 2008. – 196 p.

27. Nekrasov V.A., Chernikov F.R. The role of chiral dissymmetry when assessing physical state of living organisms // Works of the I International Forum “Biophysical technologies”. - Saint-Petersburg, 2008. – 196 p.

28. Nekrasov V.A. New concept of organization of a healthy life. Federal manual No. 22. - M.: ZAO “Rodina-Pro”, 2009. - P. 546.

29. Nekrasov V.A. New ways of organization of a healthy life style in terms of discovery of geometric structure of leftism-rightism and dissymmetry in the biosphere // Up-to-date medical technologies. – M.: OOO “National Health League”, 2009. – No. 2. – P. 32-33.

30. Nekrasov V.A. Form field, biospheric pathogenic areas and health of a human. – M. – Tver: Triada, 2009. – 144 p.

31. Nekrasov V.A. The discovered laws of geometrical structure of leftism-rightism energy and dissymmetry in the biosphere and health of a human // Materials of the International scientific congress 2010 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics”. – Saint-Petersburg, 2010.

32. Nekrasov V.A. Biospheric pathogenic areas, their influence on all types of economic activity and health of a human // Materials of the International scientific congress 2010 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics”. – Saint-Petersburg, 2010.

33. Nekrasov V.A. Fine field biological rhythms, their impact on a human of a left or right type // Materials of the International scientific congress 2010 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics”. – Saint-Petersburg, 2010.

34. Nekrasov V.A. New means of achievement of health and longevity. – 2011. - Rodnaya Ladoga. - No. 4 (18). – P. 223-235.

35. Nekrasov V.A. Concept of organization of healthy and safe life of a human in the Earth’s biosphere // Materials of the International Forum Health of a human and ecology”. – M., 2012.

36. Nekrasov V.A. Energetic dyssymmetry’s phenomenon in the Earth’s biosphere and problems of ecology // Materials of the International scientific congress 2012 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics. – Saint-Petersburg, 2012.

37. Nekrasov V.A., Plyashkevitch M.L. Physical aspects of general theory of form field of V.A.Nekrasov; Dzhanibekov’s effect in macroworld and Nekrasov’s effect in microworld // Materials of the International scientific congress 2012 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics. – Saint-Petersburg, 2012.

38. Nekrasov V.A. Geometrical form field – a type of interactions. Theory and practice of form field; fine field technologies of the XXI century // Materials of the International scientific congress 2012 “Fundamental problems of natural science and technics. – Saint-Petersburg, 2012.

39. Nekrasov V.A. Fine field concept in the medicine of the XXI century // RANS collected papers. – M., 2012.

40. Nekrasov V.A., Plyashkevitch M.L. Phylosophical understanding of dissymmetry’s principle in the matters of life origin // Observer. – 2012. - No. 4 (267). – P. 20-28.

41. Nekrasov V.A., Nekrasova N.A., Plyashkevitch M.L. New means of rejuvenation and achievement of active longevity // Observer. – 2013. - No. 5 (280). – P. 100-114.

42. Nekrasov V.A., Plyashkevitch M.L. New view on abnormal phenomena in terms of fine field concept in natural science // Observer. – 2013. - No. 4 (283). – P. 101-108.

Author's site V. Nekrasov NONPROFIT PARTNERSHIP OF ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIFE MATEZ (International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology and Health)