Здесь планируется текст отчета по аналогии с русским ваариантом.
Nekrasov V.A., NP MATEZ, Moscow
1. Explanation of need in Conception:
• serious problems in the questions of preservation and recovering of population health, ecology and safety of life activity;
• necessity in increase of duration of active life of population and solution of demographic problems;
• high risks concerning accidents on energy and other industrial enterprises and roads;
• new discovered factors in the sphere of organization of the Earth’s biosphere and a human, which influence on health and safety of life activity;
• creation of new technologies, ensuring an effective solution of many tasks in ecology and medicine and making it possible to change the situation in the sphere of organization of a healthy and safe life, duration of active life and in the sphere of demographic problems on a tight timetable;
• necessity in integration of new knowledge and technology in an educational and social sphere (ecology, medicine, construction and other fields of science, called to solve tasks of organization of a healthy and safe life).
2. Purpose and mission of Conception
The purpose of the conception is formation of a population of the system of new knowledge for correct organization of a healthy and safe life.
Major tasks of Conception:
- design of activities on the basis of new knowledge and technologies for creation of conditions of a multilevel approach to the questions of life quality improvement;
- adoption of a code of new rules for organization of a healthy and safe life in an educational and social sphere;
- creation and confirmation of additions to the governmental requirements, produced to construction of a healthy and safe dwelling, roads. industrial enterprises and other objects.
3. Ways for implementation of Conception
• design of additions to the governmental requirements, produced to any construction taking into account of the discovered law of the geometrical structure of the leftism and rightism energy in biospheric space and topography of biospheric pathogenic zones of “Onco” and “Crohn” type in the environment;
• adoption in medical practice of new knowledge about discovered initial causes of a number of diseases, the New classification of diseases; the newest technology and methods, developed on the basis of discovered regularities in biospheric organization and in a human organism.
4. Principles and techniques for implementation of Conception
The principles and techniques for implementation of the Conception are based on the discoveries and inventions of V.A. Nekrasov.
Basic discoveries:
• biosphere has a feature of the leftism and rightism;
• the leftism and rightism energy in biosphere is distributed according to a strict geometrical law, that forms the structure of the Earth’s Form Field;
• the Earth’s biosphere has the structural dissymmetry (biospheric dissymmetry), which magnitude changes according to a latitude, altitude and hemispheres;
• in biosphere there are discovered special areas – biospheric pathogenic zones, influencing negatively on all living organisms and on a human as well;
• it is revealed a number of features of biospheric pathogenic zones and peculiarities of their effect on a human organism;
• New classification of diseases by the initial cause of origin (from the effect of biospheric pathogenic zones) is drown up;
• it is discovered, that a human as well as other animal organisms and plants exist on the Earth in two forms: left and right (right organisms were discovered by Lois Pasteur more than 150 years ago);
• it is discovered, that any organism as well as biosphere in whole has a dissymmetry; it is defined the law of organization of dissymmetry in a human organism of a left and right type;
• there are revealed the regularities, connecting functional state of a human of a right or left type with dynamics of change of biospheric dissymmetry, i.e. with fine-field biological rhythms, and a place of human location in biosphere by a latitude, altitude and hemispheres;
• it is established, that every living thing needs nutrition with elements (element nutrition), moreover an energy one (fine-field nutrition), which is created with the leftism-rightism energy in the Earth’s Form Field, and for creation of a biological comfort for a human it needs to organize correctly a life in the structure of the Earth’s Form Field.
First principles of Conception;
- priority in construction of a healthy dwelling and other objects of mass location of people (hospitals, kindergartens, schools, universities, malls and big sports complexes), and also dangerous anthropogenic objects (reactors of nuclear stations, dams and generators of hydroplants, bridges, store houses with highly explosive substances, high buildings and constructions, aerodromes, motor roads and etc.);
- organization of human life in biosphere in compliance with geometrical structures of the Earth’s Form Field as the basis of ensuring of its quality;
- prevention and early diagnostics of diseases, which origin is caused as a result of the influence on a human organism of biospheric pathogenic zones;
- decrease of risks of origin of accidents on motor roads, plane crashes and anthropogenic damages according to their location in the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones;
- taking into account of the rhythms of changing of biospheric dissymmetry to provide a healthy and safe human life.
Techniques for implementation of Conception
Activities for organization of a healthy and safe human life have to include the following regulations:
• projecting of buildings subject to the regularities in energy geometrical organization of biosphere, i.e. in the structure of the Earth’s Form Field;
• construction of a healthy dwelling, social objects, hospitals and also of buildings for industrial purpose subject to the topography of biospheric pathogenic zones;
• review of standards and rules for projecting of buildings for maximal preservation of the overlay of the earth’s crust, which integrity is the basic factor for maintenance of biospheric dissymmetry, i.e. the structure of the Earth’s Form Field;
• taking into account of fine-field biological rhythms in a human life activity;
• adoption of the fine-field technologies in treatment-and-health-improving practice;
• introduction in practice of a human activity of the new Rules for organization of a healthy and safe life.
5. Discoveries, inventions and methods on the basis of which it is possible to solve the tasks of Conception:
• methods to detect a left and right human type;
• sources of an artificial form field of a left and right type: applicators of a form – Nekrasov's matrix modulators;
• procedures to create a fine-field biological comfort for a human of a left and right type at different latitudes, altitudes, in both hemispheres of the Earth;
• the device “Rada-7”, making it possible to reveal elements of the geometrical structure of the Earth's Form Field and the limits of biospheric pathogenic zones;
• ways and methods of detection of loads from biospheric pathogenic zones “Onco” and “Crohn” and other sources of a pathogenic form field;
• means, ways and techniques for protection of a human against a harmful influence of biospheric pathogenic zones “Onco” and “Crohn”;
• means, ways and techniques for protection of a human against a harmful influence of different devices – sources of a pathogenic form field;
• methods of early diagnostics and prevention of chronic diseases.
6. Rules for organization of a healthy and safe life
A. Rules for organization of a healthy life:
1. By construction of dwelling and other economic buildings it is necessary:
• before construction of an object a lot, intended for building, should be checked for biospheric pathogenic zones;
• to make siting of a foundation of the future building to the geometrical structure of the leftism-rightism energy in the Earth’s Form Field;
• sizes of a building and arrangement of walls and partitions inside must not breach the energy structure of the Earth’s Form Field;
• design of a project of the future building is conducted after finished works, listed in the subparagraphs № 1-3, taking into account the sizes of cells in the Earth’s Form Field in the present latitude of locality;
• design a building taking into account of maximum possible preservation of the overlay of the Earth’s crust;
• piping of all supply lines, especially of water-pipes, is carried out beyond of places with the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones.
2. It is necessary to avoid a long stay in the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones “Onco” or “Crohn”.
By revealing of fine-field anomalies like “Onco” or “Crohn” in the place of habituation or work it is necessary to transfer the place of being to a healthy place, and if it is impossible, it should neutralize the given pathogenic zone (establish a “fine-field umbrella”);
3. It is necessary to know your biological type: left or right. To take into account peculiarities of nutrition according to a human biological type. For achievement of a desired therapeutic effect it should to prescribe medicines (of a left or right optical activity) according to a human type.
4. It is necessary to plan and coordinate your actions with the rhythms of change of dissymmetry in biosphere: fine-field biological rhythms.
Using knowledge of an annual, diurnal, diurnal-annual and other biological rhythms helps to:
• decrease frequency of exacerbation of chronic diseases and duration of their clinical presentations;
• control different risks, threatening a human health;
• plan correctly economic activity for prevention of economic damage.
5. By organization of life it is necessary to use the following fine-field means, methods and techniques for creation of a fine-field biological comfort in the places of a long stay:
• form applicators – Nekrasov’s matrix modulators, intended for maintenance and recovering of health by different pathologies and functional disorders of an organism. Form applicators as means of non-medicinal therapy can be used in combination with any pharmaceutical preparations, in medicoprophylactic institutions, and also at home according to the techniques and recommendations;
• form applicator – “Foton-R15”, intended for neutralization of a pathogenic radiation, emitted with cell phones, computers and other modern digital devices, which have integrated microcircuits in the structure;
• form applicators – Nekrasov’s matrix modulators for neutralization of the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones in the places of a long stay of a human or in the places of a high accident rate.
6. Possibilities of principle for preservation and recovering of a human health by means of the methods of the fine-field therapy developed by the author are:
• possibility of diagnosis of the initial cause of diseases at the early stage of their development;
• effective recovering of functions of an organism by purposeful usage of the fine-field technologies according to a human type (left or right), his age, blood group and concrete disease;
• possibility of an effective protection of an organism against radiation of pathogenic form fields of a natural as well as anthropogenic origin;
• determination and assessment of consequences of the influence of biospheric pathogenic zones “Onco” and “Crohn” on an organism;
• possibility for neutralization of a radiation of biospheric pathogenic zones ‘Onco” and “Crohn”, harmful to a human organism;
• neutralization of a radiation of a mobile phone and other electronic devices, emitting pathogenic form fields, which is harmful to a user’s health and people, surrounding him.
7. Observe the following recommendations by origin and growth of a healthy generation;
• compulsory education for the future parents, which includes the rules listed above, which intended for organization of a healthy and safe life; such an education will reduce to general guaranteeing of preservation, recovering and increase of population health of a childbearing age;
• providing of women with ecological element and energy nutrition in the period of preparation for carrying of a pregnancy, child-bearing and breast-feeding;
• abstention from feeding of a child with chemical element nutrition, eliminating of usage of plastic containers for keeping of liquids, used for feeding of a child.
B. Rules for organization of a healthy life:
• surrounding of a human organism including places of biosphere, where he lives and works, with geometric forms, which are built according to the harmonious geometrical law;
• eliminating of a long stay (habituation) of a human in the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones and the places of consequences of their effects (a car, furniture);
• taking into account of origin of natural and anthropogenic disasters in the places of the rays of biospheric pathogenic zones, especially in peak days of fine-field biological rhythms;
• taking into account of possibilities of inadequate behaviour of mentally ill people in peak days of the diurnal-annual biological rhythm.
1. Health and a safe life of a human depends directly on the fact, how harmoniously a person organizes his interaction with the environment by a form field, i.e. a problem of correlations of a human with the Earth’s Form Field is the main one in organization of a healthy and safe life;
2. Adoption in life of new knowledge of the structure of the Earth’s biosphere, a human type, initial causes of diseases and methods of the fine-field therapy, fine-field biological rhythms, and also new technologies in this sphere, making it possible to preserve and recover health effectively, decreases a biological age, ensures improvement of life quality of a population;
3. Proposed methods of preservation and recovering of health, rejuvenation of an organism and ensuring of safety are highly effective and ecological;
4. The present Conception defines the basic ways of progress in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, ecology, architecture, rhythmology and other sciences, called to ensure a healthy and safe life for a population;
5. For implementation of the Conception’s goals it is necessary to establish an institute of a government service, which could ensure solution of the following tasks:
• construction of dwelling according to the geometrical law of organization of the leftism-rightism energy in biosphere;
• conduction of activities for detection and neutralization of biospheric pathogenic zones, going through already erected buildings, motor roads, railways and other objects;
• usage of modulators of a form field for effective reduction of a biological age, keeping and recovering of health;
• control of water quality for eliminating of usage by a population of the water, irradiated with biospheric pathogenic zones;
• study of the questions concerning usage of modulators of a form field for raising the level of crop yield;
• choosing of lots, free from biospheric pathogenic zones under construction of dwelling, aerodromes, bridges, store houses, public buildings, nuclear power plants, hydropower stations, cattle-breeding farms and other important objects;
• popularization of the new knowledge and technology;
• creation of conditions for introduction of the new rules of organization of a healthy and safe life in the sphere of a human activity;
• integration of the new knowledge and technologies in an educational and social sphere as a code of the Rules for organization of a healthy and safe life.