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P.Curie, In Search Of Causes Of Dissymmetry

«The way, discovered by L. Pasteur and P. Curie, is grassing by oblivion. It seems to me, the wave of scientific work must proceed right along this path».

V. Vernadsky


CurieCurie Pierre (1859–1906) is a French chemist, honoured with Nobel prize for physics (together with his wife Marie Sclodowska-Curie and A. Becquerel) for research of radioactivity in 1903.

Appreciated Pasteur’s thoughts, Curie considerably deeper and to the end of his life examined the problem of dissymmetry. Expanded a notion of dissymmetry, borrowed from Pasteur, he transferred it to the sphere of physical fields, analyzing difference in structure of magnetic and electric field. Just reflections about dissymmetry in a substance and in a field led him to discovery of piezoelectric polarization. But, Curie is more known in large scientific sections as an author of remarkable works in the sphere of radioactivity and almost unknown in the least as an author of in-depth study of dissymmetry and its application in physics. His wife Marie Curie wrote in her memoirs, that he “repeatedly expressed regret, that study of radioactivity distracted him from examination of symmetry and dissymmetry”. The most important discovery by Curie states, that just the dissymmetry is a cause of all effects.

In his work “About symmetry in physical phenomena” P. Curie clearly formulated three main dissymmetric features:

– when some effects display some dissymmetry, so this dissymmetry must be revealed in the causes, generated these effects;

– during the superposition of some phenomena of the different nature in the same system their dissymmetries are composed (superposition principle);

– dissymmetry causes an effect, if there is no dissymmetry, so a phenomenon is impossible.

Vernadsky wrote about P. Curie’s works: “Curie extended the dissymmetric notion, carried it forward to the sphere of physics – physical fields”, and indicated, that: “electric field can’t have dissymmetry”.

Over a period of the following hundred years after the sudden death of P. Curie none of scientists set to deeper study of dissymmetry. V. Vernadsky reported about the sad fact of the oblivion of P. Curie’s works in this sphere by the following words: “Nobody picked up the clue, fallen out of his hands”.

Thanks to V.I. Vernadsky, who paid serious attention to Curie’s works in the sphere of dissymmetry, the uniqueness of this phenomenon, V. Nekrasov managed to convert Curie’s theoretical designs into practical activity and continue research and experiments in this trend.

Author's site V. Nekrasov NONPROFIT PARTNERSHIP OF ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIFE MATEZ (International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology and Health)