In 1847, a French chemist, known all over the world by invention of pasteurization and vaccinations, Lois Pasteur (1822-1895) discovered existence of molecules with left and right optical activity in a living substance. He also discovered, that there could not be equal quantity of left and right molecular forms in one substance, and this quantitative difference was called dissymmetry by L. Pasteur. From that time the era of study of the natural dissymmetry and the source of its origin began.
The base of the right and left optical activity is two natural phenomena:
- the peculiar spatial distribution of atoms in molecules, which defines existence of two types of stereoisomers – right and left – in a substance. Due to the successful analogy with a right and left hand the given phenomenon got the name chirality (Greek cheir – hand).
- existence in one substance of two types of stereoisomers in unequal quantity is dissymmetry. Predominance of one or another molecular variety defines existence of the left or right optical activity of a whole substance.
In 1931 V. Vernadsky (1863-1945) wrote: “The geochemical study of life makes to pay insistent attention to the L. Pasteur’s works and the ways, he pointed, about the different character of the space, occupied by life, living organisms, and on its dissymmetry. Here by means of the life study we, more deeply and in a new way, than physics, penetrate the features of the world, surrounding us”.
It is necessary to be noted especially, that some authors, or translators, absolutely incorrectly identify such quite different natural phenomena as chirality and dissymmetry or asymmetry and dissymmetry, creating at the same time unformunate confusion in science, about which V. Vernadsky had already forewarned. He wrote about this question in his work “Biogeochemical problems” in the chapter “Spatial biospheric heterogeneity. Dissymmetric fields of living substance”: “There is a very outstanding and deep characteristic in the biospheric structure, connected with life phenomena, which until now is not welcomed in another sphere on our planet. The space, occupied by a living organism or combination, which was unsuccessfully called dissymmetry by L. Pasteur”.
One more important discovery of L. Рasteur is detection of right organisms on the Earth. L. Pasteur indicated the fact of existence of right organisms on the Earth by the way of separate nutrition of coelenterates by the solution of the right and left glucose stereoisomer. I.e. right organisms died on left glucose. Not found out left organisms, he did not except existence of conditions on the Earth for their origin.
V. Vernadsky wrote about Pasteur: “From the half of the XIX century, almost to its end, L. Pasteur (1822-1895) was almost a lonely thinker, who realized its (dissymmetry) cosmic significance and the basic manifestation of the rightism-leftism in living organisms, in the structure of chemical compound of protoplasm”.