



Development of the natural history of Crohn’s disease


V.A. Nekrasov, President of MATEZ

Nowadays in the most of medical reference books Crohn’s disease (CD) is described as a disease of an unknown aetiology, being characterized by nonspecific inflammatory affection of gastrointestinal tract at any of its level with formation of inflammatory infiltrations, deep longitudinal ulcers with perforations, external or internal fistulas and other severe complications [1].

Till the middle of the last century the Russian medicine has not classified Crohn’s disease as it is [2]. For the first time Crohn’s disease was characterized in 1932 by an American doctor Burrill Bernard Crohn and his colleagues L. Ginzburg and G. Oppenheimer as a granulomatous inflammation of the terminal portion of an ileum [3,4]. Having analyzed a big number of oncological cases at the slender bowels they sorted out 14 specific cases similar to each other. In the first description CD was called “regional ileitis”, and its characteristic clinic distinctions from the cancer of small intestine were marked [4]. At the beginning of the sixties Lockart-Mummery and Morson singled out precisely the typical clinic and patomorphological features of regional ileitis, called it Crohn’s disease and distinguished its essence from other diseases and from a nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NUC) as well [4]. It turned out, that a patomorphological spectrum of CD was much wider, than of NUC. From that moment a definition of Crohn’s disease was constantly broadening. It is distinguished Crohn’s colitis, Crohn’s ileitis, Crohn’s disease of large intestine and etc.

Nowadays medicine is aware, that the disease can affect any part of digestive tract from an oral cavity to anal canal inclusive. It is considered, that the most favourite zones of CD’s affection are the terminal portion of an ileum and colon. There is a view, that Crohn’s disease involves a mucous of gastrointestinal tract, moreover of a whole organism.

What are the basic features of Crohn’s disease?

As a rule by Crohn’s disease an inflammatory response is strongly pronounced in the submucous layer not on the mucous membrane (inhomogeneous inflammation): a submucous layer is dilated owing to lymphostasis, lymphangiectasia and lymphocytic and plasmatic cellular infiltration. A typical granuloma from epithelioid cells and giants apocytes like Pirogov-Langhans ones form. Caseous necrosis in the granuloma is not observed, that brings them together with the sarcoidosis granuloma. The features of the permanent lesion observed by surgeons are manifestations of chronic structural damage. Some doctors suppose, that structurization and penetration are possibly a manifestation of the further behaviour of the disease against a background of the applied chemotherapy [5].

Despite the hopes set by many specialists on genetics, but even its achievements are impossible used to predict origin and the course of CD development. Concerning the nucleotide oligomerization of a domain 2 of the coding gene (NOD2/CARD15), there is no actual proof, that being homozygous, this gene conditions unfavorable prognosis and means a risk of a disease.

It is noticed, that by Crohn’s disease many organs and systems of an organism are drawn into a pathologic process (see Table 1):

Table 1
  Organs and systems   Pathologic processes, accompanying CD 
  Eyes   conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis 
  Oral cavity   aphthous stomatitis 
  Joints   monoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis 
  Skin   nodal fever, angiitis, pyoderma gangrenosum 
  Liver, bile-excreting ways    fatty degeneration of liver, sclerosing cholangitis, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma 
  Kidneys   nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, hydronephrosis, amyloidosis nephrosis 
  Bowels   By colitis it is a strong probability of development of a carcinoma of thick bowels 


Crohn’s disease is often diagnosed in clinical practice by mistake concerning another disease and vice versa. Besides there are numerous segmentary lesions, simulating Crohn’s colitis, or a clinical presentation of CD is slurred over because of constant use of different chemical preparations before to diagnose. Therefore it is sometimes difficult and often impossible to diagnose Crohn’s disease. Probably absence of the knowledge of initial causes of Crohn’s disease promotes a failed diagnosis [6].

How does the treatment go?

Almost every patient, undergone the treatment modes of CD, has a relapse of the disease in a short period of time, and the results of study of a long anamnesis are evidence [7]. Medical practice indicates, that the most of patients equally with the medicamental therapy needs in a repeated surgical service, which is also ineffective. As a doctor Brian G. Feagan notes: “In terms of this point, the applied drug therapy is discommendable, but surgeons are not better either". He writes, that nowadays there is no effective treatment mode for Crohn's disease [7]. On the assumption of the stated material it becomes apparent, that the existing methods and ways of diagnostics and treatment of CD must be changed completely.

What are the factors of a new natural history of Crohn’s disease?

Our examinations and results of the long-term clinical practice indicate, that a single right way is application of such methods of diagnostics and therapy, which could be based on the knowledge of the initial cause of the disease. A principled new natural history of CD started to form at the end of the nineties in the last century, when for the first time V.A. Nekrasov established its main cause – influence of a biospheric pathogenic zone of a "Crohn” type on a whole organism [8,9].

Biospheric pathogenic zones (BPZ), discovered by V.A. Nekrasov in the Earth’s biosphere were classified by two types (see the reference to BPZ). The first type of zones is characterized by the fact of compression (induration) of molecular and cellular structure of any substance and which can be a cause of an oncological number of other diseases .[8,9]. These zones were called BPZ of an “Onco” type. It turned out, that in biosphere there are found zones, which can not be the cause of cancer, but can be the cause of other diseases, and Crohn’s disease is a leading one. This type of BPZ is called a “Crohn” zone. A biospheric pathogenic “Crohn” zone influences on a substance in another way, loosening it and rarefying the environment in the zone, reducing to weakening of intermolecular and intercellular bounds.

In a human organism the injuries, caused by the effect of a "Crohn” zone, become apparent in the following: friable tumours, inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract appear not on the mucous membrane, but in the submucous layer, as a result of which a mucous membrane becomes to look like a “cobblestone pavement”. By a long stay in a "Crohn" zone besides Crohn's disease the others can develop in a human organism:

  • tuberculosis;
  • ulcerous disease of a duodenum and/or a stomach (against the background of helicobacter pylori);
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • eczema;
  • leishmaniasis;
  • hysteromyoma;
  • varicose disease;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • hypertension, complicated with hemorrhagic stroke;
  • joints’ diseases of the metabolic character and etc. [8,9].


The discovery of the initial cause of CD enabled to develop the principled new methods of its diagnostics and therapy, that led to the global review of the natural history of this one and many other diseases [8,9]. Moreover, the present medicine has methods of the noninvasive diagnostics of CD, due to that it is possible to avoid an injured mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract.

Ancient scientists about diseases, the cause of which are biospheric pathogenic zones and methods of their treatment

Even 500 years ago Paracelsus divided diseases into two types: “…there are two types of diseases, the cause of some is elements, and the cause of others is stars, and the number of star diseases is considerably bigger, than the element ones.” He wrote: “Stars can injure in the same way as a sword, but they do not cut as an ordinary sword, but open a body in compliance with their heavenly blade. Such diseases are treated by the appointed way, because the element medicine is absolutely powerless in such cases”. Thus, it is possible to treat “star” diseases only to use the methods of the star medicine, which provided for using of special geometrical signs or patterns in that time. C.G. Jung wrote: “According to that Paracelsus developed sketches of many amulets and seals” [10]. Paracelsus reckoned cancer and consumption (today – tuberculosis) among “star” diseases. He considered, that the cause of such illnesses were disease-producing rays from Cosmos, and to treat a human from such a disease it needed to eliminate fatal consequences of its influence from the organism. Franz Hartmann in the book “The Life of Philippus Theophrastus Bombast of Hohenheim Known by the Name of Paracelsus and The Substance of His Teachings” wrote, that Paracelsus, using the methods of the “star” medicine, successfully coped with the diseases, the cause of which was pathogenic rays, while the doctors, who used only the means of the element medicine, did not achieve their aims [11].

The origins of the “star” medicine are observed not only in the Paracelsus’ works, but even earlier in the foundation of the Pythagorean medicine (VI-V B.C.). Our examinations convincingly demonstrated, that a humanity had known about existence of pathogenic zones like “Onco” and “Crohn” in biosphere long before a new era, and so did not construct dwelling and roads in such places [6,8,9].

New treatment modes of Crohn’s disease

The discovery of biospheric pathogenic zones “Crohn” enabled to elaborate “The new classification of diseases by the initial cause of their origin” and develop the methods and means (modulators of a form) to eliminate a pathogenic load of these zones on a human organism [6,8,9]. Form modulators can eradicate completely the consequences of the influence of biospheric pathogenic “Crohn” zones.

Today, “star” (by Paracelsus) medicine is under the name of “fine-field”. Potential of the therapy with usage of the fine-field technology is corroborated by integrative diagnostics of the biospheric space and a human organism:

  • detection and classification of biospheric pathogenic zones;
  • classification of diseases by pathogenic factors;
  • detection of a biological type of a human;
  • diagnostics and control of recovering process of an organism by means of the modern medical equipment and new techniques;.
  • elaboration of an individual plan of treatment with selection of form modulators.


In medicine there are criteria of a perfect therapy: it must be effective, safe, reasonably priced and, desirably, noninvasive. Our developed fine-field therapeutic methods of treatment of CD meet the case.

New definition of Crohn’s disease

In the total it is necessary to recognize, that Crohn’s disease is a systemic inflammatory illness with primary localization in the digestive tract, origin of which is initiated by a long influence of a pathogenic form field like “Crohn” on an organism [6].



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Author's site V. Nekrasov NONPROFIT PARTNERSHIP OF ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR LIFE MATEZ (International Academy of Fine-Field Ecology and Health)